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Amanda Frias

Birth Assistant, Doula


As a Doula, Amanda is professionally trained in childbirth and provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother and her family who is expecting, is experiencing labor, or has recently given birth. Amanda's purpose is to help women have a safe and memorable birthing experience and to help women and families recognize the power already within.

A few months before the baby is due, you develop a relationship and go over building the birth plan by meeting in person at least twice. Amanda does not provide any type of medical care. However, she is knowledgeable in many medical aspects of labor and delivery.

She provides comfort with pain-relief techniques which include breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, massage, and laboring positions. As a Doula,  Amanda often use the power of touch and massage to reduce stress and anxiety during labor. She also encourages the participation from the partner and offers reassurance.

The goal of a Doula is to help the mother experience a positive and safe birth, whether an un-medicated birth or a cesarean. Be aware that the primary role of the Doula is to help mothers have a safe and pleasant birth–not to help them choose the type of birth.

Amanda's role as a Doula is never to take the place of the husband or partner in labor, but rather to complement and enhance their experience.

By having Amanda as a part of the birth team, a father is free to do whatever he chooses. Amanda also encourages the father to use comfort techniques and she can always step in if he wants a break. Having a Doula allows the father to support his partner emotionally during labor and birth and to also enjoy the experience without the added pressure of trying to remember everything he learned in childbirth class!

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